Besurence Covid-19 Antibody
What is Covid-19?
Coronavirus disease („Covid-19“) is an infectious disease caused by the newly detected coronavirus Sars-CoV-2 („Covid-19“).
People are generally susceptible. Most patients infected with the COVID-19 virus will experience mild to moderate respiratory illness and recover without requiring special treatment. Older people, and those with underlying medical problems („risk groups“) like cardiovascular disease, diabetes, chronic respiratory disease or cancer are more likely to develop serious illness.
The best way to prevent and slow down transmission is to be well informed about the COVID-19 virus, the disease it causes and how it spreads. Protect yourself and others from infection by washing your hands or using an alcohol based rub frequently and not touching your face.
The virus spreads primarily through droplets of saliva or discharge from the nose when an infected person coughs or sneezes. Frequently occuring symptoms include:
⦁ Fever
⦁ Dry cough
⦁ Fatigue
Less frequently occuring symptoms are diarrhea, cold symtpoms or loss of taste and smell.
Based on current information, the incubation time is mostly between 3 and 7 days.
Product information:
Besurence Covid-19 is a rapid diagnostic test kit for the detection of IgG and/or IgM antibodies to Sars-Cov-2 („Covid-19“/“Corona virus“) in human whole blood, serum or plasma. The IVD is exclusively to be used by medical professional personell. The test can be used without any additional laboratory equipment, hence can be performed anywhere at all times and indicates the result immediately, time to result is 15 minutes.
The following areas of application exist for SARS-CoV-2 antibody testing:
- Use to identify individuals who have previously been infected with SARS- CoV- 2 (important for country statistics). This knowledge can also be used to guide epidemiology and seroprevalence studies, as well as to facilitate contact tracing.
- To identify potential convalescent plasma donors.
- To aid in the diagnosis of COVID 19 in RT PCR negative patients who later present symptoms during disease course.
Development of viral load, antigen and antibodies during an infection with Sars-CoV-2
Product specification:
- Test cassette can be used with wholeblood/serum/plasma specimen
- Qualitative detection of IgG and IgM antibodies to Sars-CoV-2
- Time to result: 5-15 minutes
- IgG accuracy: 94,3%
- IgM accuracy: 91,5%
- Store at 4-30°C for 24 months
Test procedure:
- Get your blood sample.
- Add your sample and the provided diluent to the sample well of the test cassette. Wait 15 minutes.
- Read results.