Know your body, plan your future

Rapid diagnostic tests – made in Austria

Besurence Vaginal Yeast








dots vaginal yeast
pack vaginal yeast

What is Vaginal Yeast?

Vaginal yeast infection, also known as (vulvo) vaginal candidiasis, is a very frequent female condition. The infection is caused by the fungus candida albicans, when the natural balance of bacteria and candida albicans in women is disturbed.

About 75% of all women will suffer from a vaginal candidiasis at least once in their lifetime, most of them (+50%) will be infected a second time and about 5% of all women develop a chronic form of vaginal yeast infections.

The most typical symptoms are itching, white vaginal discharge and genital burning during urination. These symptoms are not specific to a candida infection, more serious conditions (especially STDs) might be the reason for the symptoms. Hence, a correct diagnosis is immensily important in order to guarantee a correct treatment plan. Besurence Vaginal Yeast is an immunoassay for the qualitative detection of vaginal candidiasis in vaginal secretion samples. The device is designed to be an aid in the diagnosis of fresh or chronic yeast infections.

Product Specification:

  • User friendly product with a sterile & thin sampling swab
  • Qualitative detection of candida albicans, no cross reactions
  • Time to result: 10 minutes
  • Accuracy: 90%
  • 2-30°C for 24 months

Test Procedure:

  1. Add the sampled vaginal swab to the test cassette and swirl.
  2. Wait 10 minutes.
  3. Read results.
testprocedure vaginal yeast